Shit Your Kids Say...Wrinkles
The other night I was putting our older two girls to bed - they share a room and most nights, a bed. This little exchange happened…
“Mama, what dat”
Lilly basically playing a tune while running her finger over the lines of my forehead
“Seriously, Lilly. Um, yea those are my wrinkles”
“where you get them?”
“I like them. When I get ‘dem mama?”
“when you’re older”
"like this many?” (holding up 5 fingers…)
“no, more like mommy’s age”
“How many you have”
…then she proceeds to count them.
(if you’re curious - I have 3 1/2 lines apparently)
Ok, but seriously, now just about every night the girls make me crinkle up my forehead so they can do a check. Lilly giggles and then they go to counting. Still at 3 1/2 (phew!). One day she was so mad she didn’t have wrinkles and wouldn’t for awhile; she stomped her feet in disgust. (Girl….just you wait!)
Ya’ll , I’ve never really cared too much about my wrinkles but I recently took a hard look at them in the mirror…. dang, do I just let nature take its course or do I start fighting them? I have a pretty good skin-care routine (big fan of Mario Bastou) but should I be investing in something else? What? Tell me all your secrets…..
Also, are 20-year olds really doing botox? I heard this today. For real! No judgement, #youdoyou. I know i’ve spent way to much money on lash extensions (remind me to tell you why I stopped…something about looking like I got collagen injections in my eyelids) but 20?! I’m pretty sure when I was 20, my skincare routine consisted of using Dial soup to wash my face….
ugh…here’s to aging gracefully ooorrrrr paying to make it look “gracefully”